Who else is going gaga at the prices of food nowadays? A year ago I could do a weeks shopping for 50 pound a week, these days with the recession and all that I am usually hitting 100 a week. So enough is enough i thought "I'll grow my own and become self-sufficient." Its not only about saving a bit of money though, I actually get a great deal of satistfaction from growing stuff. I get sooo excited when the shoots actually appear through the soil, and the kids share this excitement too. So anyhoo, I have a plot of earth at the front of the garden, so its been weeded, sieved, my hubby put a wood surround round it and we filled it with compost. There is a drain in the middle so we cordoned that off and are using it for pots and bags, etc.
So heres a photo of it after it was built

and here it is after filling with compost and after adding the courgettes and corn that I had growing in pots on my windowsill in my kitchen. With the make shift cloches due to the cold weather of course.

OOh infact heres a picture of the courgettes and corn taking off...I have peas, carrots, lettuce, beetroot and carrots all growing on the window sill at the moment.

Oh and look what I bought from wilkinsons...my fruit I have to plant down the other end of the garden, i already have blackberries so want to add the rhubarb and raspberries, and hopefully strawberries, plums and pears, perhaps, a crab apple tree as well maybes if I have room!

Oh and of course I have been doing a lot of reading up on the internet but i also found a great allotment book in the charity shop for the grand price of 1.50. I love a bargain x